Make Your Own Organic Concrete Patio Cleaners at Home

When concrete patios become dirty and water is not enough to make it clean again, there are cleaning products that are being sold in local stores. If you are not a fan of the chemicals found in commercial products, why not choose the natural route? They are as effective but a lot safer for you, your kids, pets, and even plants. Here are a few you could mix up on your own:

baking sodaBrilliant Baking Soda

Baking soda is a popular cleaning aid because of how it can dissolve even the nastiest and most stubborn dirt and grease. On concrete, you would need:

  • (Mild cleaning) ½ cup of baking soda mixed with 1 gallon of water.
  • (Deep cleaning) ½ cup baking soda, ½ cup salt, and ½ cup water.

Apply the baking soda solution, leave for a few minutes and then rinse off. If there is a powdery film left on the surface, just spritz it with a little vinegar and rinse away.

oxygen bleachOutstanding Oxygen Bleach

You can find oxygen bleach in the same grocery aisle as detergent. There are several brands that sell this. It could also be called sodium percarbonate, which is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate. To make a concrete patio cleaning solution:

Mix 2 scoops of oxygen bleach with 2 tablespoons of water and create a paste.

Put some of the paste on stubborn stains on the concrete patio. Leave for a few minutes before wiping or rinsing it off. If you want to clean the entire patio, make a thinner mix.

vinegarVigorous Vinegar

This acetic acid often found in kitchens is an effective cleaner for concrete surfaces. For mild cleaning:

  • Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and put it in a spray bottle for easy spritzing.

For tougher dirt, use pure vinegar. This is also effective in killing weed that may have started growing between cracks or gaps on your patio. If you are not especially fond of the smell, you can add some essential oils like lavender and peppermint to mask the odor.


hydrogen peroxideHeavenly Hydrogen Peroxide

This is probably the safest and gentlest natural cleaners out there. Just put the solution in a spray bottle for a handy cleaner when you need one. Spray it on the entire patio or on the soiled areas and leave for a few minutes. Scrub the soaked area until the dirt comes off.


sodium peroxideSmart Sodium Peroxide

This is a recommended cleaner by concrete experts. It is ideal for use on tough stains. Just sprinkle some of the powder on the stain and leave it there for five minutes before rinsing it off with water. You can use a soft-bristle brush to remove the stain, too. Spritz some vinegar to remove any powdery residue.


All these are safe to use. However, it is still important to keep them out of children’s reach. Some stains may require repeated application and rinsing, scrubbing, and even brushing. Just make sure to be patient when using natural cleaners.


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